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Staffing Services

20 Jobs Entitled To Implement Labor Lease As Decree No. 145/2020/ND-CP

LIST OF JOBS ENTITLED TO IMPLEMENT LABOR LEASE Promulgated to gether with the Government’s Decree No. 145/2020/ND-CP dated December 14, 2020)

According to Decree No. 145/2020/ND-CP and the Labor Law 2019, the list of industries permitted to outsource labor is specified including:

1. Interpretation/Translation/Shorthand.

2. Secretary/Administrative Assistant.

3. Reception.

4. Travel Guide.

5. Sales support.

6. Project support.

7. Programming the production machine system.

8. Manufacture and installation of television and telecommunications equipment.

9. Operating/inspecting/repairing construction machinery, production electrical systems.


10. Cleaning and cleaning of buildings and factories.

 11. Document editing.

12. Bodyguards/Guards.

13. Marketing/Customer Care by Phone.

14. Handling financial and tax matters.

15. Car repair/operation inspection

16. Scanning, drawing industrial techniques/Interior decoration.

17. Drive.

18. Management, operation, maintenance and service on board ships.

19. Manage, supervise, operate, repair, maintain and service on petroleum drilling rigs.

20. Piloting aircraft, serving on aircraft/Maintenance, repair of aircraft and aircraft equipment/Dispatching, flight operation/Flight supervision.




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