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Staffing Services

4 cases not entitled to conduct the labor lease

Base on article 24, Decree 55/2013/ND-CP, there will be 4 cases not entitled to conduct the labor lease as bellow:

1. Enterprises happening labor disputes, strikes or for replacement of employees during of implementing right of strike, settlement of labor disputes.

2. The leasing enterprises failed to reach a specific agreement on responsibility for compensation of occupational accidents, occupational illness for the leased employees with the labor hiring party.

3. Replacement of employees who are dismissed due to restructure, changes of technologies or merger, consolidation, division, separation of enterprises or due to economical reasons.

4. Leasing employees to work in places with harsh living conditions according to list issued by the Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Minister of Health, unless those employees have been lived in those above areas for sufficient 03 years or more; jobs of labor lease are in List of heavy, hazardous and dangerous and special heavy, hazardous and dangerous jobs promulgated by the Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs.







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