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Loading And Unloading Services| Nhan Kiet
Dịch vụ bốc xếp
20/08/2020 09:08:38

Labor Outsourcing Sercvices | Nhan Kiet Co.,LTD
Nhan Kiet Co., LTD provides Labor Outsourcing Services through the recruitment, training and staff according to customer request, to sign labor contracts with employees and then sent employees to work for clients as part of the labor force in period of services. Nhan Kiet Co.,...
20/08/2020 08:08:50

Production Outsourcing Services| Nhan Kiet
Dịch vụ gia công sản xuất
20/08/2020 09:08:39

Temporary Labor Supplying Services| Nhan Kiet
Temporary Labor Supplying Servicesis the leading solution for the high season or manpower shortages temporarily in a certain stage of the workflow to operate your company.
20/08/2020 09:08:24

Sort term Labor Outsourcing Services| Nhan Kiet
Sort term Labor Outsourcing Services is the solution to meet labor shortages interim of your company, when recruiting staff not officially meet the required amount of labor for production, business or the need to replace workers temporarily pauses during pregnancy.
20/08/2020 09:08:16

Packaging services| Nhan Kiet
Dịch vụ đóng gói
20/08/2020 09:08:12