Labor Subleasing Services | Nhan Kiet Co., LTD
In the trends of your company wants to expand, develop and still want to operate as a lowest manning headcount, or short-term project, seasonal project, or your regularly employee had been working overtime more than 200 hours per year. The solution to solve this issue is provided by Nhan Kiet Suplying Manpower Co., LTD, that is the labor leasing services.
Labor Leasing Services will change from fix cost of Salary to variable costs, minimize legal risks relating to the resignation or dismissal for workers illegally, Reduced pressure of recruitment, payroll, settlement of labor welfare. All this work is done by the service providers of Labor Leasing Services of Nhan Kiet Co., LTD
Labor Leasing Services of Nhan Kiet Co., LTD brings many benefits to your company :
* First, the Labor Leasing Services of Nhan Kiet Co., LTD help provide adequate and timely skilled workforce necessary for your company spacially in manufacturing activities, or seasonal. This helpsyou to low down time and recruitment costs, training. When you do not needs said labor, You can quickly reduce the number of employees under contract providing services without being bound by the provisions of the labor law .
* Second, Labor Leasing Services also help you more attractive in the eyes of investors, especially foreign investment funds or strategic business partners, because they can pump capital directly into revenue-generating activities of the business which they invest .
* Third, the Labor Leasing Services of Nhan Kiet Co., LTD also make it easier for you to replace those staff who do not fit with other personnel in key positions to ensure efficient operation.
>> Labor Subleasing Services | Nhan Kiet Co., LTD
>> Labor Outsourcing Sercvices | Nhan Kiet Co.,LTD
>> Temporary Labor Supplying Services| Outsourcing Nhan Kiet
>> Sort term Labor Outsourcing Services| Nhan Kiet
* Fourth, due to large demand of enterprises invested abroad in Vietnam, especially the oil and gas business, production of consumer goods, textiles, electronics ... need some processing passages that need outsourcing enterprises registered business lines, leading to the selection of the processing unit becomes difficult, then, Labor Leasing Services Of Nhan Kiet Co., LTD will flexibility adding workforce working in your company to meet staffing requirements and your company does not need to outsource, this company also helps you better control the quality of their products.
Currently Labor Leasing Services has been recognized in the Labor Code 2013, Decree No. 55/2013/ND-CP and Circular 01/2014/TT-BLDTBXH , whereby labor leasing service is the kind of business conditions, with 17 job categories are applied in the form of labor rent and sublease enterprise employees to have a certain capacity conditions to be licensed to perform the services for labor hire
Nhan Kiet Co., LTD, with over 5 years of providing services outsourced labor providing for many companies in Binh Duong , HCMC. HCM . Dong Nai , Vung Tau , Long An , Tay Ninh , Binh Phuoc provinces and other ... We are honored to serve you through the provision of services outsourced labor supply. We want to get a chance to talk with you about the need of your company .
Contact info:
Head Office Room 202, Building 57, 57 Le Thi Hong Gam st, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward, Dist 1, HCM city Tel: 08.3505.4224 Email: info@nhankiet.vn
Labor Outsourcing Nhan Kiet, Labor subleasing Nhan Kiet
Slogan: Nhan Kiet Outstanding - Outsourcing |
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